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Shitō Ryu
Shitō Ryu (Japanese: 糸東流) is a form of modern karate, originating from Okinawa, developed by Kenwa Mabuni (摩文仁賢和). Mabuni chose to call his style Shitō Ryu in honor of his two main masters: Ankō Itosu and Kanryō Higashionna. "Shito" (糸東) is in fact made up of the first two kanji of "Itosu" and "Higashionna".
Originally from Okinawa, Mabuni opened many dojos in the Osaka area and most of the Shitō Ryu practitioners are located in this region. In 2014, this style retains the influences of Itosu and Higashionna: the official list of katas is often stated by specifying these two origins.
Kenwa Mabuni, founder of the style
Kenwa Mabuni, born in Shuri, Okinawa in 1889 and died in 1952, is the founder of Shitō Ryu. From 1930, he taught in his own dojo in Osaka , where he trained many masters including his two sons, and published many works. His son Keneï succeeded him upon his death in 1952 and then, ten years later, moved to the United States and Latin America, where he developed this martial art.
The five principles of Shitō Ryu (uke no go gensoku)
Shitō Ryu is, along with Uechi-ryū, one of the major styles of karate. It is based on 5 fundamental principles:
1 / Rakka (“like a falling flower”):
Block with such force that if the block were applied to a tree trunk, it would lose all its flowers. A block must be executed so decisively that it not only stops the attack but annihilates it in a single technique. Example: uchi ude uke block on a direct attack (power block);
2 / Ryusui (“like flowing water”):
Move in harmony with your opponent's movements, using them as an aid to your own defense. Respond to your opponent using fluid movement. Example: diverting an attack with a circular block or an open hand along the attack (soft, harmonious block);
3 / Kushin (“to bend down”):
Control the attack using the movement that comes from the knees. Keep the back straight and use the knees to control the height in order to keep the balance and strength of the legs and so that little effort is needed to control the attack. Example: quickly enter and exit the attack by a movement of the knees (sting like a wasp inside the guard);
4 / Teni (“body movement”):
Avoiding attacks by using body movement. Moving in all directions to confuse the opponent and facilitate the use of hangeki. Example: fading away or moving quickly out of the attack;
5 / Hangeki (“counterattack”):
If necessary, return the attack to the opponent with a decisive and powerful counterattack. If you use the first 4 principles, you may never use the latter but you must use your mind and body to counter if necessary. Example: a good defense is attack (sen-no-sen or anticipation).
Source: Wikepedia